We both looked past everything else; in the shade, words fell gently and without pressure. I am an echo, a remnant, cyanide. I'm less than what you put on me
This story is about Alex. He was born and grew up in Chicago – one of the largest American cities. In the 1980s, when he was young, his family made handmade sweaters. And now, 25 years later, they start their family business again.
Drozd vs. Ouanna
Pre-fight press conference video. Production: Stereotactic. Producer: John Smith.
Villagers — The Waves (MMOTHS remix)
Naadya / Pirates
We will soon forget where we went and where we will go, and how ships are broken in cold water we once knew; from the mouth of the King, I saw the pirates hoot; we will soon forget where we went
Moremoney — 25 / 10
Cover for the Lenta project
We love video and photography. We are a creative project community that can be passionate about commemorating wedding days, as well as shooting a skate park competition.